
The v-sit is definitely one of the more hardcore abdominal exercises. You maintain a constant strong contraction on the abdominals throughout the exercise. Start out sitting on your workout surface with your knees bent so that your feet are flat on the ground. Put your arms straight out in front of you. Bring your knees up further and lift your feet off the ground and balance all your weight on your butt. Your upper body should be at least 45 degrees or a bit higher from the ground. Your hips should also be 45 degrees or higher from the ground. Make sure your knees are bent and your calves are parallel to the ground or hanging down. To do the v-sit, bring your feet up in a controlled movement until legs are straight. At the same time you will have to lower your upper body towards the ground to maintain your balance. Return to the starting position to complete a repetition. Be sure to keep your arms out in front of your upper body during the whole movement. As you lift your legs up and move your upper body down you want to breath out. Breath back in as you return to the starting position. When you first start with v-sit the balance part can be a little tricky but once you get it down this is a great exercise to make the abdominals burn.

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