Side Crunch

Side crunches work the interior and exterior obliques. They are a great way to work off the love handles. Start out by laying on the right or left side of your body. The arm that is closet on the ground can either be laid out on the ground perpendicular to your body or tuck it in close to your body with the elbow on the ground and forearm against your stomach. Place the hand of your other arm behind your head. Your legs can either be bent at the knees or straight out. Having the legs straight out creates more resistance on the obliques. Using your obliques, lift your upper body and legs up vertically towards each other. Your weight should be on your hip and torso when in the up position. Hold the up position for a half to full second and lower back down. To maintain muscle contraction, try not to lower all the way down back down. Be sure to breath out as you come up and breath in as you go down. After your do one side, flip over and do the other (do not worry the app recognizes exercises with two parts).

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