Crossover Crunch

The crosssover crunch works the obliques and center abdominals. Start out laying flat on your back with your legs straight out in front of you and your knees bent so your feet are flat on the ground. Bring your right leg up and place it across your left thigh so that your right ankle is resting on your left thigh just above the knee. Place your hands behind your head. Bring your shoulders up so that your shoulder blades are just touching the ground . This will ensure a constant contraction on your abdominal muscles.  To do the crossover crunch, bring left shoulder and elbow to your right knee using only your torso. You can use your left elbow touching your right knee or coming close to it to signal the top of the crunch, but be sure your left shoulder is coming off the floor and you are not just swinging your elbow around. At the top of the crunch, hold for about a second. Bring your left elbow and shoulder back down to the starting position to complete the repetition. After doing the left side switch and do the right side. Remember to breath out as you come up and breath in as you go back down.

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