This exercise focuses on the lower back. Start out by laying flat on your stomach with your arms out in front of you and your legs straight back with toes pointed like a pencil. Then in a controlled motion raise your arms and legs off the ground so all your weight is resting on your chest area. When you lift your arms they should be straight out in front of you like your flying. When you lift your legs they should be straight back and you should be squeezing your glutes. Once you get your legs and arms off the ground begin flapping your arms up and down and kicking your legs up and down like you are swimming. When kicking and flapping, you want to raise your legs and arms up as high as you can in your comfort zone. When kicking and flapping you want to avoid your arms and legs making full contact with the ground. They should either not touch the ground or just graze the ground while kicking and flapping. If you begin to get tired towards the end of your swim exercise duration pull your arms in a bit and don't point your toes. This will make the load on your lower back muscles a bit lighter.
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