Cross Leg Situps

Cross leg situps or wide leg situps work both the abdominal and oblique muscles. It also improves flexibility in the back and hamstrings. Lay down on your back with your legs straight out in front of you. Spread your legs apart from each other so that the length between your feet is wider than your shoulder width. The exercise is done by bringing your upper body up to the sitting postion, touching your toes on one leg with the opposite hand, coming back down, and repeating on the other leg. When coming up for the sit and toe touch, the hand and arm that is on the same side as the toes your going to touch should be placed behind the head. Your other arm should be outstretched behind you when in the down position. It should follow your upper body up to the sitting position and then be used to reach out and touch your toes. As you come up from the down postion to do a toe touch, be sure to keep your lower body and legs on the ground. If you can not touch your toes just get as close as you can. You do want to feel a little stretch in the hamstring. Be sure to come up in a control manner especially when you start to stretch for the toe. No jerky movements. Do not forget proper breadthing, out when you are coming up and in as you return back down.

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